Set up a business and manufacturing in Russia

KOPERUS BLS SL has a wide network with local law firms in Russia which are specialised in legal investment advise for foreigner’s investors in Russia, setting- up business, Tax Law, administrative and customs procedures and formalities.

Nowadays, food exportation in Russia is closed for Europeans as a result of some penalties. However, foreigners can establish in Russia and manufacture there, being able to import their own equipment.

For instance, in Krasnodar (south west Russia) the weather is favourable for farming and ranching industry. Krasnodar is situated in the same meridian as Northern Spain. This area is well known in Russia because of its wines, also because of its pork and bovine ranching industry.

The local manufacturing of this raw material is normally good quality and it is very different to the ones in Europe. The “know how” and the great prestige are known worldwide, especially their cheeses, wines, cold meat, thus there are real business opportunities in this area.

A while ago, it was possible to export these products from Spain to Russia and they were normally focused on a u sector, because of high costs of transport, customs duties, the distributors and high commissions of local shops.

Hence, that restriction has caused the reduction of these exportations. As a result, these products are no longer mid-range goods as it would be in Spain. Nevertheless, in Russia just those consumers with high purchasing power can afford them.

Considering that there are some areas in Russia of strategic importance, with commodities and good climatology, where a company could establish the whole process and the required education for workers. There you will have many possibilities to produce worldwide, therefore some European companies have already established in Russia to make the most of it.